UPDATE 8/13/2013: The zoo team came together and did a great job getting animals to dry ground and pens cleaned up. A lot of the debris has been taken care of. We should be able to open by this weekend. We are working on getting the 2 bridges repaired and the camel encounter road repaired which are slated to be done by Friday. We are still in need of lots of gravel. We are waiting to put gravel down in some areas once we see how our ground handles the next few rainstorms that are anticipated. We are going to need to build retaining walls along some parts of the creek as the flash flood cut into the banks causing some of the enclosures to be a little closer to the creek then we would like. Thank you everyone for your support! The donations that came in went directly to gravel, fence and bridge repair! We could still use experienced construction help with retaining walls and some fence repair and volunteers to help move bridges and houses back in place. If you are interested in volunteering, please email [email protected] as we are looking to coordinate a volunteer day once the rain has subsided enough to do so. Sincerely, Hope Bennett: Zoo Director