Wildlife Wonders at 1pm
During the COVID-19 outbreak, North Georgia Wildlife Park & Zoo worked hard to provide programming that was fun, interesting and still followed the guidelines set out by the CDC and the governor’s office. Now that those guidelines are loosening a bit, we are shifting back to more onsite experiences, including Wildlife Walks and Hands-On Animal Experiences. For this reason we will be discontinuing our weekly Wildlife Wonders at 1:00 virtual experiences. Thanks so much to all of you who have watched & commented on them every week. Catch up by watching our videos below and we hope to have you come visit the park! |
African Bull Frog
African Serval Cat
Patagonian Cavy
Dromedary Camel
American Alligator
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Dumeril's Boa
New Guinea Singing Dogs
Sugar Gliders
African Crested Porcupine
Zookeeper Chats & Cravens
Into the Reptile House
Egyptian Fruit Bats
Southern Ground Hornbill
Fennec Foxes
Sulcata Tortoise
Virginia Opossum
Military Macaw
Zebu Cow
Capybara Behind the Scenes Move
Alpaca Sheering
TBT Otter Get Up Challenge
Wolf Puppies
Drive Thru Zoo