Baby Season has started. That means night checks every 3 to 4 hours. These are done by interns, staff and volunteers. So what do the interns think about this? How does the weather affect all this. One minute the weather is above freezing and the next snow storms! I figured some of these pictures taken by our interns could tell their own story! Yes these pictures were taken right off their face book pages with permission of course!
Some excerpts from Staff,Interns and volunteers on their zoo adventures during this crazy weather For anyone who is up at this time, roads are already white and it is snowing like crazy. This little ewe lamb thought that tonight would be a great time to grace us with her presence. But mom had her out in the snow so she was a little frozen, thus we named her Elsa. She got the royal treatment, hot bath, burrito wrap, effortless tummy fill, and a heated bed. Let's just say that she is not complaining. - Shauna Smith 2/12/2014
Zoo Keepers at North Georgia Zoo & FarmA mix of writings, pictures from those involved in taking care of the animals and educating guest! Archives
January 2019