When you take care of animals there are no normal hours so you have to expect the unexpected. Which means helping a mama cow give birth in 20 degree weather in your pajamas and boots. The baby was in the wrong position to be born so she had to be turned, so she could come out the right way. After pushing and pulling, a beautiful baby calf was born. She was alive & kicking and mama was stable also. The baby had a bit of a rough time and needed some extra care. In order to get the help that she needed, she was sent home with her keeper and was named Iclyn because of the icy night she was born in.
The decision was made to keep Iclyn on a bottle because she had some loose ligaments in her leg and needed some help standing and walking around. After a couple days of physical therapy and lots of snuggles, Iclyn’s legs straighten up and now she bounds around and loves running and jumping. There is no better feeling then seeing an animal you helped to save, healthy and happy and frolicking through life.